Alcohol and Drug Rehab Near Manalapan Township, NJ
Manalapan Township, NJ is a township in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Located 45 miles away from New York City, this township has a suburban setting and is home to many! Sadly, however, Manalapan Township has its struggles. Like many other communities throughout New Jersey and the entire country, this township knows all too well what it’s like to encounter the impact of substance use disorder.
The county of Monmouth as a whole has experienced quite a bit of hardship in regards to addiction and its effects. Thankfully, though, the state of New Jersey is well-equipped with resources that can assist those who are struggling with alcoholism or drug dependence. So, if you are living in the Manalapan Township area or somewhere else in New Jersey, know that help is available.
As you come to terms with the truth about your struggle with addiction, find solace in the fact that you can overcome this challenge in your life. By learning more about the resources available to you, you can begin working toward a life of recovery and true liberty from substance dependence! Please allow us here at the Discovery Institute of New Jersey to help give you the information you need in order to do that!
An Overview of Alcohol and Drug Addiction in Manalapan Township, NJ
New Jersey’s Department of Human Services has much information about substance use and dependence in the county of Monmouth. The Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services’ 2017 report states that there were 82,644 substance misuse treatment admissions in the state of New Jersey throughout the year.
Of those admissions, 6,198 substance misuse admissions in Monmouth County. Out of the nearly 6,200 treatment admissions, 1,865 of them involved alcohol use. More than 4,200 involved drugs and the remainder of the admissions involved unknown or unspecified substances.
The Division’s 2018 report gives alarming numbers regarding substance use in various areas, including Manalapan Township. According to the report, there were 201 substance misuse treatment admissions throughout the year. 68 substance misuse admissions involved alcohol. There were 5 admissions involving cocaine or crack. Heroin was associated with 81 admissions. 15 admissions involved marijuana or hashish.
Also, in Manalapan Township, 67 (or 99%) of the alcohol misuse treatment admissions involved individuals 18 years old or older. There was one admittee under the age of 18, making up the other 1% of admissions in the area.
98%, or 130, drug use treatment admissions involved individuals who were 18 years old or more. 3 admissions (2%) of the admissions for drug misuse treatment were associated with people who were younger than 18 years old.
Needless to say, there are many people who are suffering from substance misuse or dependence in New Jersey. The numbers that are associated with Monmouth County alone indicate the need for addiction treatment and resources in the county and, overall, in the state.
Fortunately, these resources are available to those who need them. So, if you are in need of assistance overcoming addiction in your own life, it’s time to learn more about the drug and alcohol use treatment resources in and near Manalapan Township, NJ.
Know That You Are Not Alone
If you are struggling with substance dependence, you may be uncertain about where to turn. Firstly, it is important to know that you are not alone in your battle against substance dependence. Often, those who suffer from an alcohol or drug use disorder feel isolated. A life that is impacted by addiction can be a very lonely one.
You do not have to lower your head in shame any longer. You don’t have to distance yourself from the people who love you because of guilt. Pain and fear do not need to separate you from the life you deserve to live.
Addiction is a disease, but it can be treated! But, the best way to get the help you need is to simply ask for it. Although this can certainly be challenging, it will be worth it once you finally find yourself on the road to recovery!
Now that you are working to get help for addiction, you’ll need to have more information about the type of help you need. After all, your life is unique, your journey is unlike anyone else’s. So, it is in your best interest to get help from a treatment facility that works for you.
Recovering With Help from Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Manalapan Township, NJ
Finding rehab treatment for addiction in Manalapan township requires knowing more about treatment altogether.
There are two main categories of addiction treatment. These include residential and outpatient treatment. The two are similar in the fact that they both offer individuals the benefits of therapeutic services. In other words, whether a person goes through an outpatient or inpatient program, he or she will still attend therapy sessions throughout treatment.
However, there is one major difference between these two types of treatment programs:
Residential Treatment in Manalapan Township
Some people refer to this option as an “inpatient program”. Those who go through this kind of program live at their recovery facility for the duration of their treatment. This is a very beneficial aspect of treatment for those who suffer from what some may call a “severe” case of addiction. In essence, individuals who may have suffered from addiction for a long period of time or have experienced life-altering effects may find that inpatient treatment is best for them. Also, those who may live in a home with others who suffer from addiction may need to distance themselves from that environment in order to focus on recovery. In such cases, residential care may be necessary.
Outpatient Treatment in Manalapan Township
This type of treatment program does not require people to stay at a treatment facility. Instead, individuals may continue living at home or in a sober living environment. This treatment option may allow individuals to work, attend school, or take care of responsibilities at home. Those who go through an outpatient program simply need to attend treatment and therapy sessions every week. They will likely have a specific amount of weekly hours or days they need to attend treatment.
Some individuals may go through a detox program and proceed to a residential program. Once this program is complete, individuals may continue getting treatment on an outpatient basis. You can speak with the professionals at your treatment facility to find out which approach is best for you!
Find out how we can help
Our compassionate counselors are standing by to answer any questions you may have. After helping thousands of people over the last 50 years, we have the resources to help you and your family and all your individual needs.
Finding Mental Health Services In Manalapan Township, NJ
Some of the mental health services in or near Manalapan Township, NJ include:
Sunny Days Sunshine Center, Inc – (866) 557-8669, 300 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 100, Manalapan, NJ 07726
Declarations – (732) 792-6990, 223 Taylors Mills Road, Manalapan, NJ 07726
ABC Therapy Services – (609) 569-3919, 1170 S. White Horse Pike, Hammonton, NJ 08037
In many cases, people who suffer from addiction also have mental health disorders. This is what professionals identify as a “dual diagnosis”. When a person has co-occurring disorders, it’s important for him or her to address both challenges. This means that those who have co-occurring disorders should get treatment from a facility that offers a dual diagnosis treatment program.
This type of program addresses mental health disorders and addictions simultaneously, which is a vital part of recovery for those who have dual diagnoses. After all, in many cases, addiction and mental illness are connected.
For example, a person who suffers from the effects of trauma may turn to alcohol use in order to escape from the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. So, even if the individual receives treatment for his or her alcoholism, the symptoms of PTSD will still be present. This could lead the individual to relapse, resorting back to alcohol misuse. Or, the person may begin using another drug in order to cope.
Treating one disorder without acknowledging the other can result in more harm than help. So, it’s better to go through a dual diagnosis treatment program. This will ensure that you have the resources and support you need in order to overcome addiction and take care of your mental health.
Are There Any Recovery Meetings Near Me in Manalapan Township, NJ?
Recovery meetings, including Narcotic Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) are often critical components of recovery. Through these resources, individuals can find support as they work through the challenges of recovery.
Some of the recovery meetings in Manalapan Township, New Jersey include the following:
Miracles In Manalapan Group – Temple Shaari Emeth, 400 Craig Road, Manalapan NJ 07726
Miracle on Monday Group – Old Tennent Presbyterian Church, 448 Tennent Road, Manalapan NJ 07726
Recovery in Manalapan Group – Old Tennent Presbyterian Church, 448 Tennent Road, Manalapan NJ 07726
How to Choose the Right Treatment Center and Resources for Your Needs
Finding the right facility for your specific needs is absolutely necessary. Sometimes, what works best for others may do very little good for you. The opposite is also true; what helps you most may not be as helpful for another individual. This is certainly true when it comes to substance use treatment.
Your needs are unique; they’re based on your own life and your personal experiences. Your treatment program should recognize this and work to meet your needs in the best and most detailed way possible.
Here are some questions you should ask when looking for the right treatment center:
- Does the facility offer dual diagnosis treatment?
- Will I have to travel far in order to get treatment there?
- Is there an inpatient/residential program at this facility?
- Does this treatment center offer a detoxication program?
- What is the surrounding community like?
- What can this facility do for me that others simply cannot?
- Does this treatment center offer any resources for my family?
It’s also helpful to evaluate your own needs and discover even more things you may need in a treatment center. As you begin to learn more about your personal needs, you will be able to make an educated and informed decision about where you get treatment for addiction. This will help to ensure that you have access to the resources and support you need in order to overcome addiction once and for all!
Allow Discovery Institute of New Jersey to Help You Find Freedom Today!
Often, those who suffer from substance dependence feel that they have nowhere to turn. They struggle to speak to their parents about it. They have trouble opening up to their spouses. And they fear that their children won’t understand. As a result, individuals are left in isolation, feeling entirely hopeless.
Perhaps this describes your current position. Maybe you are aware of a substance use disorder in your life but you’re not sure how or even if you can reach out for help.
You don’t have to suffer in silence any longer; there is hope! Overcoming addiction can be challenging and the journey to recovery is long and hard. But, you do not need to take this journey alone. With help from the right drug and alcohol resources near you, you can build a new life for yourself and leave addiction in your past.
While it’s true that you did not choose to develop a substance use disorder, you can certainly make the choice to end this struggle in your life!
Here at the Discovery Institute of New Jersey, we work to offer nothing less than excellence. We approach addiction treatment with the understanding that substance dependence is a disease, not a choice. So, as you progress through our continuum of care, you will encounter compassion, professionalism, and understanding.
Our team of certified peer support specialists is here to help coach, guide, and support you throughout your time here. Whether you’re going through our medical detox program or enjoying the benefits of inpatient treatment, we strive to make sure that you feel welcome and understood!
If you’re ready to walk away from a life of addiction and pursue the freedom and peace that come with recovery, contact us today! We look forward to walking with you on the road to recovery.
Your Potential
Finding a life of happiness and sobriety is possible. You are not alone! All you need to do is take the first step.

Dr. Joseph Ranieri D.O. earned his BS in Pharmacy at Temple University School of Pharmacy in 1981 and His Doctorate Degree in Osteopathic Medicine at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1991. He is Board Certified by the American Board of Family Medicine and a Diplomate of the American Board of Preventive Medicine Addiction Certification. Dr. Ranieri has lectured extensively to physicians, nurses, counselors and laypeople about the Disease of Addiction throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania since 2012.