Category: Opioid Addiction

Opioid Overdose Death Record and Harm Reduction

What Are Opioids? Opioids are a class of drugs that are derived from the poppy plant. The effects of opium are notorious for their addictive qualities despite the euphoric, pain-numbing characteristics. Opioids were revolutionized in the prescription medication arena, but the consequences of financial interests and lack of resources have caused a rift. Opioids are […]

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What to Expect: Opiate Withdrawal Timeline

Dependence on opiates is defined by withdrawal symptoms that start when a person suddenly stops using opioids. The opiate withdrawal timeline depends on a few different factors. The type of opioid you are taking and your body chemistry will affect the severity and the length of withdrawal symptoms.  Opiate withdrawal can be excruciating and uncomfortable. […]

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Hypocrisy In Opioids

Currently, many people seeking sober living in New Jersey through NJ detox centers have been encouraged through the country’s ‘fight against the opioid’ crisis, which has primarily taken place in moderately middle class range suburbs, often times predominantly ethnically white. However, the War On Drugs, which was proposed by the Nixon administration which he signed […]

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What are Opioids and Opiates and How do They Differ?

In New Jersey we hear everyday, more and more about the opioid addiction in this country and throughout the world. The numbers are devastating. For some perspective, the World Health Organization states that “Roughly 450,000 people died as a result of drug use in 2015. Of those deaths, about 160 thousands were directly associated with […]

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A New Approach for NJ Addicts Suffering from Opioid Addiction

The opioid addiction epidemic has swept every region of the United States, prompting some states, like Maryland, to declare a state of emergency in response to the crisis. The northeasts, including New Jersey, and the Midwest have been hit the hardest, but every town and city in the country are suffering the devastating consequences of […]

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