Category: addiction recovery

The Importance of Relapse Prevention Therapy

Relapse prevention therapy is treatment designed to identify the reasons, behaviors, and outcomes of relapse in a person during the aftercare stage of addiction treatment. Being able to understand and prepare for relapse is imperative to addiction recovery. Relapse prevention therapy armors newly sober individuals with the self-confidence and knowledge they need to live out […]

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You’re Never Too Old to Get Sober: Resources for the Elderly Addict

Nearly half of Americans say someone close to them is addicted to drugs. When most think of a drug addict, they picture a drug addict as a rebellious young person or someone who’s homeless. But would you picture your senior relatives as drug addicts? Senior drug and alcohol abuse is under-diagnosed. Unlike younger people, seniors […]

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5 Questions to Ask Before You Start Dating a Recovering Addict

Are you falling for a recovering addict? If so, it's okay to feel hesitant about committing at first. Addiction has many negative stereotypes that our culture pushes on us at every turn. But it's important to educate yourself about the truth behind addiction and what it really means to be with a recovering addict. Although dating someone in [...]
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Why Moral Failings Don’t Explain Addictions

For thousands of years, humans used stories in order to explain the world around them, even those things they didn’t understand. It provided a framework with which to operate and make predictive judgments, even if it was completely inaccurate or outright false. Greek and Roman mythology attempted to explain why it rains, where mountains originated […]

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All Addicts Need A Support Structure To Succeed in Recovery

Every addict in New Jersey, or anywhere you look requires accommodations and treatment curated specifically to their personal needs and unique struggles in order to be successful in their recovery. However, there are a few things that everyone who suffers from drug and alcohol addiction, or really any addiction at all, require to reach active […]

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Experimental Prison in NJ Acts More Like Rehab Center than Jail

It seems as though the government is starting to take notice that time spent in prison or jail should be used to rehabilitate the offender rather than being seen totally as a punishment. Though there are many forms of rehabilitating people, addiction treatment is New Jersey’s current focus – at least as far as the […]

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3 Things You Need to Know About Addiction

Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and stigmas surrounding addiction. Whether you are suffering from addiction yourself, or your loved one has developed a substance abuse issue, its crucial to separate fact from fiction. Here are three things you should know about addiction. For more information, contact our top rated drug rehab centers today. Addiction Is […]

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